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Insights Detailed Metrics

Use this article to learn more about specific Insights metrics and the calculations used to power them

Hairo B avatar
Written by Hairo B
Updated over 4 months ago


Overview tab



New Followers

The total number of brand new followers during the selected time period. Does not include unfollows.

Average engagement rate per post

The average engagement rate per post for all posts made during the selected time period.

The sum of likes, comments, and saves of that post divided by the number of followers at time of posting.

Total daily reach

Daily unique reach added together. If a user saw your content over several days, they will be counted once per day.


The sum of likes, shares, comments, and saves.


Total number of times your content has been viewed.

7 day reach

Total number of unique users who have viewed content in the last 7 days. Includes users who viewed paid ads.

Profile visits

Total number of users who have viewed the IG users profile within the specified time period.

Profile link clicks

Total number of taps on the link in the IG users profile during the specified time period.

Followers over time

Number of followers added per day over the specified time period.

Best Times to Post

BTTP is calculated based on when the IG users followers are online. Time zones displayed are for the local time zone (as specified for the Sked account) and the top 3 time zones of the followers.

Includes a 14-day rolling time period.

Content tab

Hashtag performance: Metrics are calculated based on all posts containing the specific hashtag. For example, if #hashtagA and #hashtagB are used in 5 posts and 3 posts respectively, then metrics for each hashtag will be calculated based on those specific posts. If #hashtagA and #hashtagB are used in exactly the same 7 posts, then the metrics for each hashtag will be identical because the specific posts are exactly the same.

Audience tab



New Followers

The total number of brand new followers during the selected time period.

Total daily reach

Daily unique reach added together for the number of days selected. If a user saw your content over multiple days, they will be counted once per day.

New followers over time

The total number of brand new followers during the selected time period.

Profile visits

Total number of users who have viewed the IG users profile within the specified time period.

Stories tab



Average impressions

Total impressions divided by number of Story posts.

Average reach

Total reach divided by number of Story posts.

Average completion rate

Completion rate averaged by number of Story posts. The completion rate is defined as 1 minus the Exit Rate, where Exit Rate = (taps_forward + exits + taps_back) / impressions.

Average number of replies

Total replies divided by number of Story posts.


Overview tab



Total Page Likes

The total number of people who have liked your Page.

Page impressions

The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person’s screen.

Post clicks

The number of times people clicked anywhere in your posts without generating a Story.


The total number of comments made on your posts.


The total number of post shares.

Followers over time

The total number of followers over time.


All Metrics



New Followers

New followers for the selected time period.

All Page Views

Views for all pages across desktop and mobile devices.


Number of times your content has been uniquely viewed.

Total Impressions

Total number of times your content has been viewed.

Total Interactions

Sum of shares, likes, comments and clicks.


Number of organic clicks, likes, comments and shares / number of impressions.

Reach over time

Unique viewers per day, over the period selected.

Google Business Profile


Total Daily Profile Views

Total number of unique visitors to your profile. A user can be counted a limited number of times if they visit your Business Profile on multiple devices and platforms such as desktop or mobile and Google Maps or Google Search. A user can only be counted once a day.

Business Profile interactions

Total number of website clicks, direction requests, call clicks, business bookings, business conversations and food orders where applicable.

Average Rating for Period

The average star rating based on reviews received during the selected period.


Reviews received for the selected time period and whether they have been replied to from the business. Sorted by time received.

Profile views over time graph

Number of unique visitors to your profile over time. Posts during this time period are also shown.

Website clicks

Number of clicks on the website link on your Business Profile.

Direction requests

Number of unique users who request directions to your business. This is an experimental metric provided by Google.

Call clicks

Number of clicks on the call button on your Business Profile. Provide your phone number to start tracking this metric.

Business bookings

Number of completed bookings by customers. To get data for this metric, you need to set up bookings through a provider.

Business conversations

Number of unique conversations through messages.

Food orders

Food orders placed for pickup or delivery directly from your Google Business Profile with an Order with Google Provider.

Interactions over time

Total number of interactions over time. Including website clicks, direction requests, call clicks, business bookings, business conversations and food orders where applicable. Posts during this time period are also shown.

Posts Page

Number of posts

Total number of posts for the selected time period.

Post types • Standard • Offer • Event • alert

Breakdown of topic types posted during this period, shown as percentages.

Post cards

Posts for the selected period sorted by time. Performance or view metrics are unavailable.

Profile Views over time (overlay posts)

Number of unique visitors to your profile over time. Posts during this time period are also shown.

Business Profile Interactions • Break down of each for interactions: • Website clicks • Direction requests • Call clicks • Business bookings • Business conversations • Food orders

Breakdown of Business profile interactions over time.


Total Daily Profile Views

Total Number of unique visitors to your profile. A user can be counted a limited number of times if they visit your Business Profile on multiple devices and platforms such as desktop or mobile and Google Maps or Google Search. A user can only be counted once a day.

Total Daily profile views by platform (Maps vs Search)

Breakdown of unique visitors to your profile based on where they’ve viewed your profile, during this period. Shown as percentages.

Daily Profile views by platform (Maps vs Search)

Daily Profile views broken down by where the user viewed your profile.

Total Daily Google Map Views

Total views of your Profile on Google Maps for the selected time period.

Total Map views by device

Breakdown of Google Map views of your profile by device. Shown as percentages.

Map views by device over time

Google Map views of your profile by device over time.

Total Daily Google search views

Total views of your Profile on Google Search for the selected time period.

Total Daily Google Search Views by device

Breakdown of Google Search views of your profile by device. Shown as percentages.

Google search views by device over time

Google Search views of your profile by device over time.


Monthly keyword / Impressions (15) • Compare to previous month?

Search keywords used by people to find the Business in Google Search or Maps. Each search keyword is accompanied by impressions which are aggregated on a monthly basis. Updates may take 5 days to show up, and we only show the last full calendar month’s data.


Current ratingInclude total breakdown (lifetime rating)

The current overall star rating, out of 5. Based on the reviews for the location.

Number of Reviews received

The lifetime total of reviews received (not based on the selected time period).

Number of questions received

The lifetime total of questions received (not based on the selected time period).

Breakdown of number of stars received for time period(lifetime vs current period)

The lifetime breakdown of star ratings the profile received.

Reviews table (date, name, review, stars, Y/N reply) Reply sent within this period of time

The reviews received for the selected time period and whether they have been replied to from the business. Sorted by time received.

Questions table(date, name, question, community answer Y/N / Page answer Y/N) Answer sent within this period of time

The questions received for the selected time period and whether they have been replied to from the business. Sorted by time received.

Average Rating for Period

The average star rating based on reviews received during the selected period of time.

Reviews Received for Period

Number of reviews received during the selected period of time.

Questions received for Period

Number of questions received during the selected period of time.

5 Stars

Number of 5 stars received during the selected period of time

4 Stars

Number of 4 stars received during the selected period of time

3 Stars

Number of 3 stars received during the selected period of time

2 Stars

Number of 2 stars received during the selected period of time

1 Star

Number of 1 star received during the selected period of time

Reviews over time

Number of reviews received over time. Posts during this time period are also shown.



New Followers

New followers for the selected time period.


Number of times your content has been uniquely viewed.

Profile Views

Total number of times the TikTok profile has been viewed over the selected period.

Video Views

Total number of times TikTok account's videos has been viewed over the selected period.


Total number of likes + comments + shares across videos posted by the TikTok account for the selected time period.

Post Impressions

Total number of times your content has been viewed.

Number of Posts

Total number of videos posted for the selected time period.

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