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Account Setup, Settings, and Permissions
Find tips to help you get started and navigate account settings.
Using account groups
Verification required error
Insecure login location
How do I reset my Sked Social password?
Incorrect Instagram username or password
User account permissions
How to check if you have a phone number and email added on Instagram
Instagram two factor authentication
Setting up app-based two-factor authentication for Instagram for teams sharing an Instagram account
Logging into the Business Manager with your personal Facebook credentials explained.
Reminder: Good Secure Password Practice
De-authorising and re-authorising your Facebook Pages
Checking your Facebook Business Settings for Facebook Pages and Instagram Business Accounts
What happens when you remove an account from Sked
Checking which Facebook Page is associated with your Instagram Business Account
Setting up your Instagram Business Account and Facebook Page for Sked
How to fix your Facebook posts not getting published: Reconnect Pages
TikTok Business vs Personal Accounts
Resetting Instagram two-factor authentication
Managing your account limits